I will need the following information from you:
- A floor plan to scale.
- Original year of construction and the date/s of any major addition/s or reconstructions.
- Your full address and Eircode / postcode.
- The name, gender and the DOB of all the inhabitants.
- Digital photos or videos of the outside and the inside of your home.
- Send these along with your receipt of purchase to fengshuibynatalia@gmail.com.
Once I have all the information requested above, you will get your Feng Shui Report within 10 working days, and we will have a 30-minute meeting via Zoom to go through the Report.
The Report will include:
- Flying stars chart interpreted with recommendations (Traditional Feng Shui)
- Intentional Feng Shui recommendations.
- Best personal directions for each inhabitant.
- Personal recommendations based on the photos or videos provided.
You will also receive complimentary access to the Feng Shui for Beginners online course.
Apartment or Bungalow: €395
Standard Semi-detached: €495
Non-standard house: €595
If you are considering a virtual consultation and have any questions, book a FREE 20 minutes pre-consultation zoom call here: